This post was originally published through Patreon on August 28, 2016.
Quick note: I’m currently working on “Totem, Part 11,” and plan to release it on November 7 🙂
The world is ending. He can feel it, buzzing like a high tension electrical wire. Like the bass in a celestial orchestra, it began as a rumble, emanating from the core of the Earth itself, and quickly rises to a crescendo. It’s only a matter of hours before the whole thing uncoils like a tightly compressed spring.
He’s witnessed the births and deaths of many worlds, and the end has always fascinated him the most. It’s almost always self-inflicted, a wellspring of violence that erupts from the inside out, blowing the world asunder.
He sometimes likes to imagine he’s the cause—that he’s an Old Testament God, raining down judgement and destruction on an ungrateful world. But of course he is not. He’s only an observer, a cosmic tourist in search of entertainment. He doesn’t want to get involved, and at any rate, humans have done a fine job of destroying the world themselves.
He’ll stick around for the end, and when it’s over—when the Earth is adrift and bereft of life—he’ll move on.
He gazes up at the sky and smiles.
The show is about to begin.
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