Where have I been?

Hey, guys!
First of all, happy new year! I hope you’re all staying safe and enjoying the fact that 2020 is finally behind us 😉 It’s been a long time since my last post, and I wanted to give you an update and explain my long hiatus from social media and the blogosphere.
For almost seven years, I posted a fresh piece of flash fiction each week. It was a lot of fun and helped me to explore cool, new ideas, some of which have been or are now in the process of being expanded on in longer forms. Unfortunately, it was also a lot of work, and eventually, it got to the point where it was getting in the way of writing books.
My weekly blog slowly transformed into a source of constant stress and frustration. I was having trouble keeping up, having trouble coming up with new ideas. On top of that, I was (and still am) dealing with depression, a struggle I’ve shared with my patrons in the past. It got so bad that, for a while, I resorted to recycling old Patreon posts, just so that I’d have something to post on the blog come Wednesday morning. Finally, in November, I made the difficult decision to step back and prioritize the stories that matter most.
I want to return to the world of blogging, but when I do, it will likely take a different direction. Perhaps I’ll use this space to share updates about what I’m working on. Maybe, when the dust settles, I’ll even post the occasional story 🙂
I’m still very much active on my mailing list if you want to subscribe and keep up with my work, and I recently released a new book. When it comes to social media and the blog, however, I’ll likely lay low a bit longer while I figure things out.
Thank you guys for supporting me and for being awesome. I can’t wait to share more with you soon 🙂
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