

Inked Pixels/Shutterstock

The man looked up one last time, the life draining from his body, and beheld his killer. His final thought before the darkness closed in was not of revenge or of anger, but of how his daughter would grow up without a father and how, in the absence of her already deceased mother, she would spend the remainder of her life as an orphan.

Katie, he thought as if he had the power to call her with his mind. Then consciousness tapered, and the man, defeated, plunged head-first into the eternal void.

* * *

“Katie!” the convict cried, recoiling backward, and if not for the guards who held him by his arms, he would have smacked right into a broad stone wall. The abrupt change in perspective jarred him, and for a while the man just hung there, muscles suddenly limp, staring at the flickering torches on the high marble ceiling.

“Samuel, aged thirty-five, father of one, murdered this twenty-first of May, 2020.”

That voice. The convict had heard it before. But where?

He heard typing, followed by another voice, equally familiar.

“Let the record show that Gerald Miller has completed his third iteration and will be allowed a five-minute rest before the execution of his sentence continues.”

Memories of another man’s life flashed before the convict’s eyes. The guards helped him to his feet, and then, when they were satisfied he could stand, they let him go.

“Where am I?”

Before the convict stood a dark ebony bench seven feet high, occupied by an elderly man in a white powdered wig. He gazed down, stared at the convict through a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles, and announced, “You stand before the court today convicted of murder.”


And then, just like that, the convict remembered. Gerald. His name was Gerald, and he most certainly was not dead. He’d been found by the police, standing over the man’s body with a knife in his hand. He could still remember slitting the man’s throat, could still remember how the man had looked up at him as he bled out onto the cold, wet asphalt.

It had been raining. Gerald had been hiding in the alley behind a dumpster, searching for an easy mark, and when the man walked by, umbrella in hand, Gerald had leaped from the shadows to demand his wallet or his life.

“No,” Gerald whispered. “No, I couldn’t have done that.”

He was a lot of things—a thief, a conman, a low-life—but certainly not a murderer.

But I did do it. I remember. Oh, God.

“I didn’t mean to kill him.”

“Mr. Miller,” said the judge, leaning over a stack of legal documents, “I’m afraid you misunderstand your position. You are no longer on trial. You have already been found guilty and stand before the court today to satisfy your sentence.”

No, this couldn’t be happening. Gerald had intended to let the man go. All he’d wanted was his money, and then Gerald would have sent him on his way. Streetlife was tough, and he was guilty of many crimes, but he’d never thought murder could be one of them.

Then the man had done something unexpected. He’d gazed upon Gerald not with anger or contempt, as so many of his other victims had, but with genuine pity and concern. The compassion that flickered in the man’s frightened eyes had reminded him of all the qualities his abusive father had lacked in abundance. The look had triggered a terrible rage, a blinding, white-hot jealousy, and before he knew what he was doing, he was stabbing the man with his knife, first in the side, then in the chest, then finally in the neck.

Now, tears filled Gerald’s eyes and he fell to his knees before the judge in supplication. “Please,” he whispered, “don’t make me do it again.”

To have to relive the horror of what he’d done, over and over again, to have to play the part of his victim, to feel the knife enter his body, to feel the despair that came with knowing that the man’s daughter would grow up without either of her parents, it was too much, and it would surely drive him mad.

The judge peered down at him, and not without compassion, said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Miller, but I do not have that power.”

Gerald collapsed then in a frenzy of tears and snot. The guards rushed to his side and, picking him up, escorted him back to the other end of the room where he would once more experience the final agonizing moments of the man’s life.

“The court is aware of your upbringing,” the judge said, “as well as the circumstances leading to your abhorrent actions. The court believes you capable of redemption, which is why your sentence is not permanent.”

Gerald looked up then, wiping his nose with his sleeve. “You mean I won’t have to do this forever?”

“No,” said the judge.

“Then for how long?”

“As long as it takes for you to understand the severity of your crime, and for the evil in your heart to be expunged. At such a time as the court sees fit, your condition will be assessed, and when it’s determined that you’ve been reformed, you will receive a second chance to lead a proper life.”

A flash of hope seized Gerald, only to be replaced by abject terror when the judge glanced down at his watch and announced, “Your rest time is over. Guards, take him into position.”

“No,” Gerald cried, “No!”

Gerald struggled for freedom, but the guards maintained an iron grip. The judge lifted his right arm, trembling with age, and with a flaccid flick of the wrist, fired a searing mote of energy in Gerald’s direction.

“Let the record show,” he said, just as that incredible power slammed into Gerald’s chest, “that Gerald Miller has begun his fourth iteration…”

Light burst behind his eyes like the flash of a dying star. Gerald detached from his body once more, and then—

* * *

The man looked up one last time, the life draining from his body, and beheld his killer.

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Doing the Right Thing

Image licensed by Shutterstock.

Max looked down at his feet. Gazed back up at the desolate street. Watched as his breath plumed before him in the cold midnight air like dragon’s breath.

He waited.

How had he gotten to this point? He took hold of who he was, and like a string he tried to follow it back through time. But that string was so tangled and twisted that he found he wasn’t able to follow it very far.

His father had introduced him to this lifestyle when he was a child, but that was no excuse. He’d had plenty of opportunities to escape. So why hadn’t he run off when he’d had the chance?

A shadow caught his eye, and he turned in its direction just in time for the darkness before him to melt, morph, coalesce into the figure of another man. The figure dropped a cigarette to the ground, tamped it beneath the heel of a thick leather boot and tipped a broad fedora hat in Max’s direction.

“Evening,” said the man, and oddly Max was reminded of John Wayne. He reached out with a thick muscular hand. Max took it and shook.

“Evening,” echoed Max. Butterflies churned in his stomach. This was it. This was when it would all go to Hell.

“The boss has another job for you,” said the man, reaching in his pocket for a second cigarette. “A gentleman by the name of Richardson. Says he’ll pay quite a sum if you can do this one right.” A stainless steel lighter sparked, ignited. The man lit up and took a long drag. “Sounds important.”

Max shifted his feet, shivered as the frigid air pressed in around him.

Richardson. Max wondered how he’d crossed the boss’s path, and he could only speculate on how terribly he’d fucked up to warrant the boss’s intervention.

Max would be asked to introduce himself, to befriend him, to gain his trust so that he could ultimately lure him to his demise. It was a skill he was good at, a skill that ran in his family, the ability to read minds, to get at the heart of a person’s needs and desires. That, along with a pinch of charisma, won them over every time.

No doubt Richardson would be dethroned. That was the boss’s term. It meant he would be stripped of everything but his life, imprisoned just outside the range of human perception, forced to look on from the shadows in despair as someone else stole his identity, his life, and enjoyed all the things that were rightfully his. He would be doomed to wander the Earth in exile forever.

Like a disinherited prince, the boss was wont to say, hence the term.

But Max wanted no part of it, not anymore. He’d ruined too many lives, had betrayed too many people’s trust, consigning them to a fate worse than death. He’d foolishly followed in his father’s footsteps, but he would follow no further.

“Actually,” said Max in a strangely quiet voice, “I wanted to talk to you about that.”

The man squinted. “Yeah?”

“Well, I—” What was he doing? The boss would tear him apart. Perhaps he too would be dethroned. Well, it would be a fitting punishment, atonement for his own crimes.

“Go on,” said the man.

“I mean, it’s just that— I thought maybe I’d go to school, try to make a different kind of life for myself.”

The man stared at him, boring a hole through Max’s skull. Then without warning he threw back his head and laughed, a hearty mirth that took Max aback.

“School? You’re a funny guy, Max. A very funny guy.”

“I’m serious. I—”

“Stop,” said the man, and just like that the laughter was gone. “You’ll want to stop joking, because sometimes,” said the man, backing Max into a brick wall, “jokes have consequences.”

Max swallowed. He’d prepared for this moment, had practiced what he would say in front of a mirror for hours. But now that he was here and actually saying it, the imagined bluster and bravado had evaporated.

“I can’t,” Max stammered. “Not anymore. It’s too much.”

“The boss gave you everything. And your father. And your grandfather.”

“I appreciate everything the boss—”

“Bullshit,” said the man, poking him hard in the chest, “I don’t think you do. The boss needs you, Max. Your family has a rare skill that he needs, and in return there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you. And now you’re going to deny him. Why, because it’s hard? Because it hurts? Because suddenly your conscience bothers you and you want to sleep better at night?”

“This is wrong,” said Max, slowly picking up steam. He’d already pushed too far; his fate had been sealed the moment he opened his mouth. “You know it is. I can’t undo what my family’s done, but I don’t have to be a part of it anymore.”

The man glared at him, goggling as if Max had just proclaimed with religious zeal that the Earth was flat. Finally, after a long silence: “So, that’s it then?”

“Yes,” said Max, and he shrugged. “I have to do the right thing.”

“All right.” The man released Max, and he slid down onto the sidewalk, his legs suddenly too weak to support his weight. “You’ll be hearing from the boss soon.” The man stepped back, melted once more into the shadows. “Real soon.”

Once again, Max waited.

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