Not of This World

Below a drab and dreary office, in a park, there stands a tree. A sprawling oak, gnarled and ancient, she lies in wait for one who is lost. She is patient and she is persistent, for she knows that someday, the one she searches for will hear her call and answer.
Above a verdant, sunlit park, in an office, there sits a woman. Driven and motivated, Diane excels at everything she does. But she is haunted and she is restless, for no matter how successful she becomes, she cannot find a place in the world where she belongs.
Now, after years of dissatisfaction, Diane hears the tree speak. At first she thinks it’s her imagination, but she discovers soon enough that other powers are at work. As Diane’s life is upended by a celestial mystery that threatens to undermine her very sense of self, one thing becomes clear: Diane is not of this world.
This week, I’m pausing the usual piece of flash fiction to announce that my next book, Not of This World, will be published in December of this year, just in time for Christmas! For the past few months, I’ve been working with my editors to get this novella ready for print, and it’s time for me to reveal its existence at last (my patrons and mailing list subscribers, of course, have already been hearing about it for a while.)
This week, most of my time has been spent laying out the book’s interior and getting ready to work with my new cover artist, Alejandro Comesaña, who will be bringing this story to life. He’s incredible, and I’ve been a fan boy of his for a long time (you can find some of his work here.) For a few years now, I’ve been watching his posts on social media, waiting for the right project to throw his way, and I’m so happy that he was willing to work with me on this.
The novella will be available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover formats, and as always, I’ll be offering free signed copies to my higher tier patrons, as well as hosting a couple giveaways through my mailing list the closer we get to the official launch date.
That’s it for now, but I’ll be sharing more details with you guys in the coming months.
P.S. Regular flash fiction posts will resume next week 😉
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