You Choose What I Write

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Every time I post a piece of flash fiction on the blog, I receive private messages and emails from people who want to know if I’m going to turn it into a longer story. Sometimes, I do. Examples include Caleb (a novel in progress and a rough draft I’m already sharing on Patreon), Dying Breath (now a short story released on Amazon, Kobo, Google Play, and Barnes & Noble), and Totem (now an ongoing flash fiction serial.) Other times, I don’t. My flash fiction is a way for me to explore new ideas, and unfortunately, it’s impossible for me to turn all of them into something bigger.

However, if you were absolutely enthralled by a piece you read on the blog and need to read more, there is a way to get what you want.

In exchange for a $5 pledge on Patreon, I’ll turn the flash fiction piece of your choice into a longer story.

This is how Dying Breath got its start. Though it was only a piece of flash fiction when I originally wrote it, a generous patron at the $5 level asked me for more. I loved the result so much that I ended up releasing it to the world.

It’s an amazing deal for both of us. You get more of the story you love and I get closer to making a living writing fiction.

I’ve shared in the past how I operate at a significant loss. I make roughly $300 per month from my stories (mostly thanks to my amazing patrons), but spend almost $2,000 per month on advertising and hosting. This doesn’t include the one-off costs required to pay for editors and illustrators when I release new books. I’ll continue to do this for as long as I can, because I love what I do, and because I’m thrilled to have touched so many hearts through my stories. But I would give anything to be a full-time writer, and if I could narrow the gap between what I make and what I spend each month, I would be well on my way to meeting that goal, which means more books released more often.

If you can’t afford to support me at the $5 level, there are other less expensive rewards. For example, the $2 level entitles you to a free digital copy of every book I write for as long as you’re a patron. You also get to read rough drafts of every story I write before it’s published (I’ve already shared a ton of drafts on Patreon that haven’t been released to the public yet) and will have your name placed in the acknowledgments of every book I publish.

To learn more and to become a patron, click the “Become a Patron” button below.

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